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Automation Trends - 2021

Mar 01 2024 , Shiva Ramani

The age of automation has unquestionably arrived. Fast-tracked by the pandemic, automation took center stage in 2020, enabling organizations to streamline tedious and repetitive tasks and processes as well as improve the overall work from home experience. Now, new developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning are driving IT automation trends and influencing change management strategies across a wide range of industries. 

But what does the year ahead have in store for this rising tech tool? Here are a few ways we think the industry will grow to meet the needs of the marketplace:

  1. Organizations will lean on Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  2. Organizations will use robotic process automation (RPA) as a stepping stone
  3. Cloud networking will continue to grow
  4. Organizations will be forced to prove the value of automation

Read here - Shiva Ramani's Prediction on Machine Learning and Chatbots for 2021

Source: VM Blog - iOPEX Technologies 2021 Predictions on Automation

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