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How low-code drives change management? | iOPEX - Blogs


How low-code drives change management? | iOPEX

Constant market changes demand that organizations accelerate their digital transformation using low-code technologies since they facilitate application development by offering drag-and-drop features that require minimum or no hand-coding and also seamlessly integrate between platforms and tools.

Low-code applications boost productivity since it is faster to configure and make changes to. By leveraging declarative programming that employs assembling predefined drag and drop components means that the development teams’ skills can be diversified by including citizen developers since there is no further need for writing line-by-line coding. Consequently, technical developers win more time to focus on projects that require their specialized skills.

Driving change through low code

As there is increasing reliance on low-code apps to manage critical and complex business processes, there is also a greater emphasis on the need for change management within an organization since application configuration and maintenance is a shared responsibility between IT and other business functions.

Change management processes when properly implemented ensure that developers and IT professionals can deploy new code faster and also better manage system configurations and incident errors and fixes.

The change must be brought about in a phased and predictable manner so that it reduces the risk of downtime, errors, and other disruptions that may adversely impact user experience. With low-code applications, non-technical developers can participate and get empowered to implement their own solutions fostering greater collaboration between IT and the business units.


Change management plans while applicable to all industries, is particularly relevant and important to DevOps and IT since it involves the people maintaining the systems on which everyone else is dependent. Hence, defining a change management plan that uses low code can help the team in preparing for changes in networks, servers, and other computer systems particularly in matters of identification and installation.

iOPEX reduces complexity and shortens release cycles of application delivery and management of micro-services using DevOps and optimizes speed & efficiency across application development and delivery by translating complex manual processes for true agility and end-to-end development process.

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