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Creating an impactful enterprise-wide digital experience (DX) – Part 2 - Blogs


Creating an impactful enterprise-wide digital experience (DX) – Part 2

Creating an impactful enterprise-wide digital experience (DX) – II

In part I of the blog series, we covered how customer experience has taken the driver’s seat on the digitization journey so much so that it has influenced enterprises to adopt a DX strategy. While most organizations understand this well, the key lies in creating a risk-free strategy that transforms the digital customer experience to a total experience that empowers employees, partners and other key stakeholders in the enterprise’s digital ecosystem that directly or intrinsically elevates the overall customer experience.

While taking the total experience approach, the organizations must focus on building an impactful platform experience for their stakeholders through seamless integrations between pre-existing and evolving workflows – both inside and outside the organization. Well, this brings us to a question, how does an organization tactically implement digital experience management?

We will answer this question as we explain how “Experience Engineering” can be that guiding factor in setting up an impactful enterprise-wide Digital Experience management.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Employee Engagement through Experience Engineering  

Total digital experience goes beyond customer experience by looking at avenues to optimize all digital activities, processes, and platforms that enable the experience. In order to create a seamless digital experience for your customers, you must consider streamlining, simplifying processes/workflows and customizing user experience for user personas both within and outside the organization.

As Steve Curtin, author and expert in the field of customer service, said, “Customer Experience Management is the art and science of coaxing lifetime loyalty from daily transactions.”

When your digital goals are focused on streamlining processes and customizing journeys for employees, partners and customers, you can consistently elevate the digital experience leading to greater customer satisfaction and better employee engagement.

Experience engineering unifies systems within an organization to streamline processes and make it easier to perform each element of the job through a persona-based digital workbench with a simplified UX — a series of digital solutions that work in unison to create a holistic way of managing digital experiences from a single pane. This allows greater flexibility and frees up time for employees to provide a stronger, more personalized service to customers, leading to a delightful experience.

Digital Experience (DX) Management COE

DX Management (DEM) is a discipline to analyze, benchmark and improve DX maturity to support the optimization of the operational workflows, experience, and behavior of a digital agent, human or machine. This is achieved by continuously monitoring, managing, and evolving digital user journey performance across multiple user-personas. When compared to the conventional methods of how companies operate — with siloed virtual systems that work alongside one another rather than as an integrated entity — the DEM model provides greater visibility and adaptability. It allows you to get a full picture of internal digital processes, as well as the customer experience. A comprehensive digital monitoring framework should be evolved to provide a top-down view of business transactions, user behavior and several additional factors to help you understand your digital performance and usability.

By consolidating your activity and business transactions through digital experience mining and monitoring tools, you will be able to identify where your processes are strongest and weakest. This gives you the ability to reinforce the good by focusing your attention on the bad, finding better ways to integrate your systems so everything is working in tandem to create a comprehensive support structure.

Digital experience monitoring isn’t just a short-term solution. While it can primarily be used to make significant changes and tighten up any areas that need improvement, DX monitoring as an ongoing process will allow you to track the progress of the experience engineering changes you’ve made. You can use metric analytics to identify which changes have or have not given the results you desire, as well as forecast for the future.

iOPEX Approach to Digital Experience Management

At iOPEX, we’re highly experienced in helping our clients deliver “Experience Engineering” engagements that empower you to streamline processes, enable automation, enhance digital experience, and develop machine learning solutions to redefine your service experience and achieve greater levels of personalized experience engineering.

We begin by finding the best ways to utilize the software and systems already in place, keeping costs and business disruption to a minimum while maximizing output and efficiency. But that doesn’t mean new solutions are out of the question. The goal is always to follow the best path to achieve the results that you are looking for by enhancing the digital customer experience and boosting employee productivity.

If we believe that the incorporation of a new software — such as ServiceNow or Salesforce or Microsoft Power Platform — would add value to your business operations, then we would recommend that implementation. Other potential additional solutions might include Robotic Process Automation (RPA), an Integration Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) or Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to enhance repetitive human experiences. 

With increasingly diversified systems, architectures, and infrastructure components, the goal is to simplify the UX for personas across the board. This is where design thinking, UX and outcome-driven approach should be combined and when compounded with technologies like AIOps will scale the DX journey. To find out more about the digital organization efficiency and optimization expertise iOPEX can bring to your business, Read part three of the blog series.

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